I arrived back to the farm yesterday after a few glorious days of reliving my old life. I was only there for a few days but it was oh so glorious.
Yesterday as I steeled myself for the cold, I briefly considered that the super long nails I promised myself I wouldn't have put on but did anyway may not have been the brightest idea. That was quickly tossed aside as nonsense while I pitched bales, scooped poops collected eggs, fed the sheep all with my glorious talons. Turns out I can have the farm life I love with some of the pretty things I love too. (I will admit that once or twice my nails got caught and caused brief flashes of intense pain. WORTH IT)
Here's where my day got entirely unpleasant.
Almost like Bella had heard me talking miles away about how great her and Rocky are for not leaving our property, I went out after the chicken jobs and Bella was gone. I called and called, at first not feeling too concerned, "she's never left the property before, she's probably in the woods." As time went on I became increasingly worried my previous chill thoughts had turned to, "She's probably tangled up in some of the barbed wire fences, or has fallen through the ice in one of the back dugouts" By this time I'm full on panicked and running through the woods screaming her name, whistling like a maniac stopping intermittently to try to hear her pitiful injured cries. Then I hear one! I'm running towards the sound (I'm using the word running loosely here, it was much more like fast trudging through the snow in my heavy boots.) I ran through the woods, hopped the fence into the sheep pasture, through the sheep pasture, over the fence into the hayfield. I can still here the sound, and I'm getting closer to it. I'm so happy to have found her but simultaneously afraid of what mess she'll be in when I finally reach her. The sound is getting louder, I haven't moved forward. Maybe she's coming to me? I wait a second or two, now the sound is very loud and right above my head. I look up to see a huge flock of geese flying above me, and one of them doesn't quite have his "honk" calibrated correctly. He sounds just like Bella when she cries.
So now I'm tired, frustrated, scared for Bella and afraid for how sad Dylan will be if I never find her.
I walk our road, the mud is heavy and sticky, my voice is hoarse from calling her all day, I'm tired and cold and muddy. My nails are on point but that's the only thing. Finally Dylan gets home and we can look further now with his truck. We decide to go to all of our neighbours houses and ask them. Not the ideal way to meet them all, but it's a crisis. We drive to the last house and there she is. Playing in the yard with her new best friend a cattle dog named Hunter. She doesn't even notice that we arrive. We are simultaneously angry with her for running off, embarrassed that she's been at the neighbours for about four hours, elated that she's safe and sound. She's slipped her collar at some point so she looks like a dirty abandoned puppy that has never been loved in her life. We put her in the box of the truck to take her home. Turns out Hunter is really her "Ride or Die" best friend. She's not leaving. She JUMPED out of the box of the truck. She is a maniac. So today she'll be living that tied up life.
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